Burg Grottental

Photographs and pictures, but also texts in the form of stories, everything is given the space it needs and creates an individual atmosphere. Whether warm and cozy, scary or sad and lonely, everything has its place, often it is linked together. Quotes and recipes round things off (at some point)! Support us by buying a picture, something written, or later a T-shirt! Thank you for that today...

Here everything is based on the teachings of Doctor Morten and his many witches, who constantly contribute their knowledge and experience! It is a fictional, fantastic, operatic and never-ending novel, which in turn contains so much reality that it is (almost) impossible to distinguish! Open your eyes...

In 1775, the work of the order began in a remote location, at Grottental Castle. In 2012, a branch adapted to modern times was founded in the Dresden area, which researches and works in memory of Anne-Liese Michel, may she rest in peace.

It's about faith, dreams and memories, it's about love and sex, but also about education, old and new teachings! Nothing is set in stone, these are thoughts and ideas that can only inspire and motivate. Anyone is free to stay here! Aimed at women aged 18 and over, similar to Burg Grottental, anyone who wants to can of course read!

Have fun on this site, which is brand new and still unfinished...

Rooms & atmospheres

Das U-Boot Zimmer auf der Burg Grottental wird für intensive Ganzkörpermassagen genutzt und steht allen Damen ab 18 Jahren zur Verfügung. Hier geht es heiß zu, der Raum ist deshalb für alle Situationen ausgelegt. Tauchen Sie mit dem Doktor in die Tiefen Ihres Ozeans. Sinnlich heftige Beschreibungen, mal detailiert, oft nur angedeutet! Viel Vergnügen...

Tightness and freedom

Sensual descriptions of the images, detailed or only hinted at, each chamber in the castle serves a purpose, serves to create moods, to arouse, leads to results.
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Leeres rustikal eingerichtetes dunkles Zimmer in einer alten Villa. Wenig Licht dringt durch die Gardinen, düstere beruhigende Atmosphäre.

Music and silence

Nothing has changed in ages, the furnishings are rustic, the walls are strong, even light has a hard time finding its way into this room. Ideal for silence and listening to music!
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Luxusbad im Haus Clementin, einem kleinen Schlösschen in der Schwarzen Siedlung.

Abundance and need

The best of everything, enough. The Black Settlement offers incredible things. But it also has ghosts and devil servants in its rooms and catacombs...
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Sanatorium & Reformatory

Junghexe und Schülerin auf Burg Grottental badet im Waldsse und erholt sich vom harten Burgalltag.


Not far from the castle, there is a beautiful forest lake. Good students bathe every day before class, having previously taken a mud bath in the forest of the black birds.
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Gespräche, Unterhaltungen und Behandlungen. Basierend auf der Natürlichkeit werden die klassischen Wehwehchen so mancher Dame weggezaubert.


Good conversations, daily visits by the witch's staff, tips and tricks, herbalism and some secret knowledge are put to use!
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2 Oberschwestern und Hexenmeisterinnen im Kellergang im Sanatorium. Hier sind die Zellen untergebracht!


Discipline and order, that's what they say, no one here is really sick, just naughty. If something is noticed, the really bad cases end up in prison!
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Penitentiary & Laboratory

Der so genannte Konferenzraum im Zuchthaus der Burganlage. Morbider Charme, Leder und mystisches Licht wirken schon vor der Zeremonie.


Almost everything in life is staged, that's just how it is. Whether it's a role at home, a calling at work, or a hobby sport. In this area of the Grottental Castle, you have to play along, then even the punishment can be appropriate and beneficial!
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Tief unterhalb der Burganlage und der schwarzen Siedlung sind die Katakomben und die Gruft

Secret places

Not everyone is allowed to enter certain places! Public or private, intimate or business, connections between them and the endless expanse of dreams and memories. Who do you share this or that with? Just because it's so easy these days, the process should be examined all the more!
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Aus dem Mittelalter stammende Streckbank zur Züchtigung


Assessment, correction, punishment - these are often played out at Grottental Castle. Fear and desire are played with, there is plenty of tension and relaxation! All under the strict eyes of the doctor and his closest confidants!
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Places & Locations

Das Moor im Wald der schwarzen Vögel. Jeden Morgen nehmen die Junghexen ein Moorbad, es ist gut für Haut und haar und macht Lust auf das bad im Waldsee.

Meeting points

Rites, daily rituals, habits, or obligatory points. Nature with its many facets, wild and impetuous, then again calm and peaceful. A must for every witch student at Grottental Castle is the daily mud bath in the forest of the black birds!
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Gärten und kleine Parks, mal versteckt, mal repräsentativ, hier wird geplaudert, fotografiert, hier duftet das Leben!


Especially in spring and summer, gardens and parks are perfect for rendezvous. Many a romantic situation has arisen when two or more like-minded people surrender to the beguiling scent of roses.
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Einsames Haus an wenig befahrener Landstraße, zeitlos und schön. Es wird für Versteckspiele und gruselige Inszenierungen genutzt!

Border crossings

Somewhere in the house, the unruly, will-less devil's servant is hiding and is reluctantly waiting for clear orders from the young witches. He is damned and blessed in one. These places come to life when the search begins!
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Masquerade & Metaphysics

Originalaufnahme: Meisterhexe und Leibärztin aller Teufelsknechte auf Burg Grottental - Dr. Norma L. (Hexenname: Calypso Maxima de Mirabeau) -


Keep your distance, an important distance, respect and trust. When Norma L. adopts the attitudes of her naughty devil servants, it soon becomes clear to some that there are no boundaries between normality and madness!
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Uniformen, Verinheitlichung, Kostümierung und Maskerade zur Vereinheitlichung oder zum Aussondern. 3 Hexen in roter venezianischer Clubtracht.


It is the uniform, the symbolism of externality, deliberately impersonal. Together we experience exciting nights, the legendary masked ball, many pompous parties, but also scenes from the past that are not suitable for the timeless, everyday life!
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Versteckspielen mit dem Meister, er wird suchen und finden! es sind wichtige Minuten für das Selbstbewusstsein.


In the game, at some point you want to be found! The time until you are found is important and creates completely new elements in your self-perception. Suspense, fear, sometimes horror and then redemption!
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